
Het my kind regtig ADHD?

Ek kry gereeld die vraag ‘Hoekom word so baie kinders deesdae met ADHD gediagnoseer/verwys vir medikasie?’. Ons kinders speel nie meer genoeg buite die want skermtyd het so belangrik geword. Dus is hulle posturale beheer nie meer voldoende nie en kom hulle rusteloos in die klas voor. Dit kan dan soos ADHD lyk…….Kyk hierdie video

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Visual perceptual skills and reading

Visual perceptual skills are the building blocks for reading, writing and maths. Is your child struggling with spelling? Is your child’s writing ‘all-over’ the page? Do they swap/reverse letters/numbers? Is your child’s reading speed slow? Do your child struggle with comprehension? This may all be due to visual perceptual skills not being fully developed. To

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Sensory Integration

Is your child a picky eater? Does your child not enjoy walking barefoot on grass? Does your child often not hear when his/her name is called? Is your child a rough-and-tumble child? Does your child play too rough with other children? This may all be due to one of the 7 senses over- or under-reacting.

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